;Section [_ID] ;Define Family ID, ProductCode for which custom type definition shall be used - this section is important ;ONLY if the TYP file is uploaded to GPS with MapSource. For sendmap20 ver 3.3 or above this section is not ;obligatory [_id] ProductCode=1 FID=981 Codepage=1252 [End] ;Section [_DRAWORDER] ;Polygon draw priority definition section ; ;Section defines which polygons are shown and in what order are draw in the device / MapSource ;If a certain polygon type is not mentioned in the list then it will NOT BE VISIBLE IN THE DEVICE! ;If your intention is to show all the polygons in device - you must prepare a full list of polygons! ; ;Draw order defines which polygons are to be visible on the top. Lowest priority is 1 while the highest is 12 ; ;Format: ;Type=POLYGON_CODE(HEX),PRIORITY ;Extended/Marine types are stored as 3 byte values - see RGNtype.txt for the full list [_drawOrder] TYPE=1,1 Type=2,1 Type=3,1 Type=4,1 Type=5,5 ;parkering Type=6,1 Type=7,1 Type=8,3 ;shopping Type=9,1 Type=0x0a,3 ;skole Type=0x0b,2 Type=0x0c,3 ;industriområde Type=0x0d,2 Type=0x0e,2 Type=0x0f,2 Type=0x10,2 Type=0x11,2 Type=0x12,2 Type=0x13,5 ;bygninger Type=0x14,2 Type=0x15,2 Type=0x16,2 Type=0x17,3 Type=0x18,3 Type=0x19,5 ;pitch Type=0x1a,4 Type=0x1b,2 Type=0x1c,2 Type=0x1d,2 Type=0x1e,2 Type=0x1f,2 Type=0x20,2 Type=0x21,2 ;residential Type=0x22,2 Type=0x23,2 Type=0x24,2 Type=0x25,2 Type=0x26,2 Type=0x27,2 Type=0x28,1 Type=0x29,1 Type=0x30,2 Type=0x31,2 Type=0x32,1 Type=0x3b,1 Type=0x3c,4 Type=0x3d,4 Type=0x3e,4 Type=0x3f,4 Type=0x40,8 Type=0x41,8 Type=0x42,8 Type=0x43,8 Type=0x44,4 Type=0x45,2 Type=0x46,2 Type=0x47,2 Type=0x48,3 Type=0x49,4 Type=0x4c,5 Type=0x4d,5 Type=0x4e,2 ;farm Type=0x4f,5 Type=0x50,1 ;skog Type=0x51,6 Type=0x52,4 Type=0x53,5 [end] ;Section [_LINE] ; ;Custom line definition - changes 'look & feel' of the built in type ; ;There are basically two types of definition ; - as line ; - as bitmap ; ;For the 'line' definition it is possible to define ; - Line widht ; - Border widht ; ;For the 'bitmap' definition it is possible to define ; - Bitmap for the line - 32 pixel long and 1 to 32 pixel high ; - Bitmap color - with maximum 2 colors only ; ;Common attributes are: ; - Type - Line type to be substitute ; - Day foreground color ; - Day background color - if not defined of '-1' then color is not used (invisible) ; - Night foreground color ; - Night background color - if not defined of '-1' then color is not used (invisible) ; ;UseOrientation=Y|N - if set to true, then device will try to rotate the bitmap in the line direction ; ;Antialias=Y|N ; ;Definition of colors and bitmap is done with format similar to the XPM bitmap format ; ;In below example there is a definition of bitmap 32 pixels wide and 5 pixel heigh with 2 colors ;and 1 char long alias name for the color ; ;IT IS FORBIDDEN TO USE LITERAL NAMES IN THE DEFINITION EXCEPT 'none' COLOR! ; ;Color #203040 means - 0x20 for the red part, 0x30 for the green part and 0x40 for the blue part ;#ffffff is white ;#000000 is black ; ;Xpm="32 5 2 1" ;"# c #000000" < day / night foreground ;" c #fffff0" < day / night background ;"################################" ;" ######## ######## " ;" ######## ######## " ;" ######## ######## " ;"################################" ; ; ;If line is defined NOT as the bitmap - then the XPM define only colors: ;Xpm=0 0 2 1" ;"1 c #123456" ;"2 c #987654" ; ; First two colors are for day - if 'none' color is defined - it will be always foreground ; otherwise - first color is foreground, second is background ; ; Next (optional) two colors are for night mode - with remarks as above ; ;Xpm=0 0 4 1" ;"1 c #123456" < day foreground ;"2 c #987654" < day background ;"3 c #123456" < night foreground ;"4 c #987654" < night background ; ;Name substitution ; - Stings1-4 - substitution for up to 4 languages - consist from language code and name ; ;StringX=code,literal name ; ;Language codes: ;0x00 - unspecified ;0x01 - french ;0x02 - german ;0x03 - dutch ;0x04 - english ;0x05 - italian ;0x06 - finnish ;0x07 - swedish ;0x08 - spanish ;0x09 - basque ;0x0a - catalan ;0x0b - galician ;0x0c - welsh ;0x0d - gaelic ;0x0e - danish ;0x0f - norwegian ;0x10 - portuguese ;0x11 - slovak ;0x12 - czech ;0x13 - croatian ;0x14 - hungarian ;0x15 - polish ;0x16 - turkish ;0x17 - greek ;0x18 - slovenian ;0x19 - russian ;0x1a - estonian ;0x1b - latvian ;0x1c - romanian ;0x1d - albanian ;0x1e - bosnian ;0x1f - lithuanian ;0x20 - serbian ;0x21 - macedonian ;0x22 - bulgarian [_line] ;Endre sti Type=0x16 ;try to rotate bitmap in the right direction UseOrientation=Y Antialias=Y Xpm="32 1 2 1" "# c #000000" " c #ffffff" " #### #### #### #### " [end] [_line] ;Egendefinert liten sti Type=0x12 string1=0x04,Small trail string2=0x0f,Liten sti ;try to rotate bitmap in the right direction UseOrientation=Y Antialias=Y Xpm="32 1 2 1" "# c #000000" " c #ffffff" " ## ## ## ## ## " [end] [_line] ;Egen customstil for track - trakktorvei Type=0x0d string1=0x04,Track string2=0x0f,Traktorvei ;try to rotate bitmap in the right direction UseOrientation=Y Antialias=Y Xpm="32 2 2 1" "# c #333333" " c #ffffff" " ####### ####### ###### " " ####### ####### ###### " [end] [_line] ;Lage blåsti Type=0x0e string1=0x04,Marked trail string2=0x0f,Merket sti ;try to rotate bitmap in the right direction UseOrientation=Y Antialias=Y Xpm="32 2 2 1" "# c #3333ff" " c #ffffff" " #### #### #### #### " "################################" [end] [_line] ;Egen rødmerket vinterløype Type=0x0f string1=0x04,Marked cross country track string2=0x0f,Merket skiløype ;try to rotate bitmap in the right direction UseOrientation=Y Antialias=Y Xpm="32 2 2 1" "# c #ff0000" " c #ffffff" " #### #### #### #### " "################################" [end] [_line] ;egendefinert gangvei Type=0x10 LineWidth=3 BorderWidth=1 string1=0x04,Foot path string2=0x0f,Gangvei ;try to rotate bitmap in the right direction UseOrientation=Y Antialias=Y xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #ffc8c8" "2 c #ff2222" [end] [_line] ;egendefinert sykkelvei Type=0x11 LineWidth=3 BorderWidth=1 string1=0x04,Bicycle path string2=0x0f,Sykkelsti ;try to rotate bitmap in the right direction UseOrientation=Y Antialias=Y xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #bbbbff" "2 c #0000ff" [end] ; Endrer skog (nature=woods) til lys grønn farge [_polygon] Type=0x50 Xpm="0 0 2 1" "1 c #90ff90" "2 c none" [end] ; Endrer farm og farmyard til brun [_polygon] Type=0x4e string1=0x04,Farm string2=0x0f,Jordbruksområde Xpm="0 0 2 1" "1 c #d0c49c" "2 c none" [end] ; Egendefinert område for residential area [_polygon] Type=0x21 string1=0x04,Residential area string2=0x0f,Boligområde Xpm="0 0 2 1" "1 c #dfdada" "2 c none" [end] ; Endret farge på parkering [_polygon] Type=0x05 xpm="0 0 2 1" "1 c #edee85" "2 c none" [end] ; Endret farge på bygninger [_polygon] Type=0x13 string1=0x04,Building string2=0x0f,Bygning xpm="0 0 2 1" "1 c #b38774" "2 c none" [end] ; Endret farge på skoler [_polygon] Type=0x0a xpm="0 0 2 1" "1 c #fff9b2" "2 c none" [end] [_line] ;Egendefinert strømlinje Type=0x29 UseOrientation=Y Antialias=Y Xpm="32 5 2 1" "# c #333333" " c #ffffff" " ### " " # " "################################" " # " " ### " [end] ; Endret farge på industriområde [_polygon] Type=0x0c xpm="0 0 2 1" "1 c #fcb6ff" "2 c none" [end] ; Endret farge på shoppingområde [_polygon] Type=0x08 xpm="0 0 2 1" "1 c #ffc9c9" "2 c none" [end] ; Endrer farge på tertiervei til litt gulere ;[_line] ;Type=0x05 ;BorderWidth=1 ;xpm="0 0 4 0" ;"1 c #ffee5f" ;"2 c #cfb900" ;"3 c #ffee5f" ;"4 c #cfb900" ;[end] ; Egen minor høydekurve [_line] Type=0x21 UseOrientation=Y Antialias=Y xpm="32 1 1 1" "# c #cc9837" "################################" [end] ; Egen medium høydekurve [_line] Type=0x22 UseOrientation=Y Antialias=Y xpm="32 2 1 1" "# c #cc9837" "################################" "################################" [end] ; Egendefinert område for eng [_polygon] Type=0x22 string1=0x04,Meadow string2=0x0f,Eng xpm="0 0 2 1" "1 c #64e364" "2 c none" [end] ; Egendefinert punkt for ubetjent DNT-hytte [_point] Type=0x3901 Antialias=Y string2=0x04,DNT no service cabin string1=0x0f,DNT ubetjent hytte xpm="16 16 3 1" " c None" "# c #ff0000" ". c #ffffff" " " " ## " " ###### " " ####..#### " " ###........### " "################" "################" " ##........## " " ##........## " " ##........## " " ##........## " " ##........## " " ############ " " ############ " " " " "}; [end] ; Egendefinert punkt for selvbetjent DNT-hytte [_point] Type=0x3902 Antialias=Y string2=0x04,DNT self service cabin string1=0x0f,DNT selvbetjent hytte xpm="16 16 3 1" " c None" "# c #ff0000" ". c #ffffff" " " " ## " " ###### " " ####..#### " " ###........### " "################" "################" " ##.......### " " ##......#### " " ##....###### " " ##...####### " " ##.######### " " ############ " " ############ " " " " "}; [end] ; Egendefinert punkt for betjent DNT-hytte [_point] Type=0x3903 Antialias=Y string2=0x04,DNT staffed lodge string1=0x0f,DNT betjent hytte xpm="16 16 3 1" " c None" "# c #ff0000" ". c #ffffff" " " " ## " " ###### " " ####..#### " " ###........### " "################" "################" " ############ " " ############ " " ############ " " ############ " " ############ " " ############ " " ############ " " " " "}; [end] ; Egendefinert farge på kystlinje. Bruker 2c istedet for default da den vises på lavere zoomnivå. [_line] Type=0x2c LineWidth=2 BorderWidth=0 string2=0x04, Coastline string1=0x0f, Kystlinje Xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #6996d2" "2 c none" [end] ; Endret farge på isbre [_polygon] Type=0x4d xpm="0 0 2 1" "1 c #92ffdb" "2 c none" [end] [_line] ;Egen def av grense nasjonalpark Type=0x1e string1=0x04, National Park string2=0x0f, Nasjonalpark ;try to rotate bitmap in the right direction UseOrientation=Y Antialias=Y Xpm="32 2 2 1" "# c #00aa00" " c none "## ########## ## ########## " "## ########## ## ########## " [end] ; Endret farge på vann [_polygon] Type=0x3c xpm="0 0 2 1" "1 c #6996d2" "2 c none" [end] ; Endre farge på sjø [_polygon] Type=0x32 xpm="0 0 2 1" "1 c #6996d2" "2 c none" [end] ; Endre farge på riverbank [_polygon] Type=0x46 xpm="0 0 2 1" "1 c #6996d2" "2 c none" [end] ; Endre farge på elv (canal, drain og river) [_line] Type=0x1f LineWidth=2 BorderWidth=0 xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #6996d2" "2 c none" [end] ; Endre farge på bekk (stream) [_line] Type=0x18 LineWidth=2 BorderWidth=0 xpm="0 0 2 0" "1 c #6996d2" "2 c none" [end]